I have been Bad...
For a variety of reasons I have had to put my project on the back burner several times this month, but with the exception of some advertising I should still be able to do some kind of Launch on November 1 ! Since I still have no real clue what I am doing, and I tend to lack needed patience, this could be interesting...

productive day
Well I had an Idea yesterday morning about expanding from a page for single persons and Families to a project that will involve a group within a community to set up plans on a larger scale! (Like I was not having enough problems staying focused on this one !) I have not worked out all the ideas yet, but I opened a page on Blogger that I can use as a worksheet and not get the 2 progects jumbled up together!

http//:disastersurvival411.b;ogspot.com Original Huh?

This one is coming along a little better the past few days, I have been able to transfer things from N to the actual Webpage !!! N was getting a bit out of control, even with 2 seperate pages! Now I can spend a little time working on the ADs...I still have about a dozen to apply for and a few I am still waiting on approval, so there is no hurry. I think that a November Opening is within reason...

Off to pretend I am getting some sleep...rain = PAIN!

Another Day...
I have been under the weather (Nothing New) but keep trying to put things together, mostly in my mind. It seems like I have too much, or too little, or both at the same time. I do NOT want to just rehash everything I have read on other sites as they are too generic for a program that should be as individual as each situation.

I think I am going to try to do something that runs dort of in between, set out some generic ideas for the "PLAN" and then refer them to the research materials for specifics, as well as post a few lists I have put together with ideas from several sites, more or less combined, then put in advertising that may feed off those lists...just a thought.

Off again until, whenever!

Today I decide to UPGRADE from a Free site to one that I have to pay for...I am still not convinced that it will make any difference but I want to make getting the information I put together available to as many people who might find it useful. I have decided that if a single person reads this page and takes action that help prevent them Harm, then the cost is no matter!

I have spent several years now trying to igure out how all this stuff is supposed to work. Compared to what I knew when I started I am a genius, but in the overall scheme I am a Dunce ! Maybe this will be the site that actually makes a difference? After a dozen "practice" attempts...I certainly hope so !

Preparing the Website
After several Months of reading, and copying, and pasting,and reading and copying some more I have started to put things together...kinda.

I can already tell that this site is going to evolve as I put things together, so I ask your patience ! While I want to put together as much information as possible I do NOT want to make it read like a textbook, and I do NOT want to try and pretend I am any kind of expert on the subject...so I have to find the right way to present as much information in a way that most people can get the most from it without being bored silly.

If you have any ideas, stories to share, comments (constructive please)feel free to send them to
until I get the comments section set up in the near future.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

Jeff Morris
Pirate Promos